The Wall Street Coach

Join Trader Hero Journey:

Master Your Trading Psychology, Unlock Your Hidden Edge, and Join a Community of Sharp, Like-Minded Traders

Aloha, Kim Ann Curtin here.

I’m writing today with a special invitation for a small number of bold traders. 

I developed a brand new way to help traders like you master your trading psychology.

It’s designed specifically to help you break out of the stage you’re in your trading journey and leap ahead to the next.

You see, my team and I have taken the coaching framework I’ve spent over 17 years developing… 

And we’ve found a way to make it even more impactful.

This project gives you the experience of working together with me and my coaches in a way that was never possible before.

And it invites you inside a new tribe of traders, all banding together to push you ahead on that journey.

But for reasons I’ll share with you in a minute…

If you’ve been struggling to move ahead in your trading — making solid gains just to be pulled back again by another frustrating loss…

There’s no better way to overcome these challenges than working hand-in-hand with a professional coach who’s seen it all.

Someone who’s seen firsthand what it takes to perform in the upper echelons of Wall Street.

And who can help you identify and avoid the biggest roadblocks to trading success.

Because an experienced coach already knows the specific pitfalls that hold most traders back from achieving the level of success they dream of.

Sustaining Success

“The majority of the work that I have been doing is with the help of Kim Ann Curtin. For me, the work has to do with reconciling my feelings about success, feelings about myself and living my best life while I’m ahead and sustaining it.” - Brian Lee, Equities Trader

Exceptional Coaching and Wisdom

“Kim’s exceptional coaching and wisdom helped countless TrueTrader members find the courage and confidence to overcome their mental baggage and become the best versions of themselves. These transformations often transcended their trading careers and deeply impacted their very lives. This is not hyperbole but eye-witness testimony. Working with Kim has been one of the most rewarding endeavors we’ve offered our membership.” - Benito Segovia, CTO and Co-Founder of

My jaw almost hit the table…

“My jaw almost hit the table because it felt as if Kim had lived inside my head and fully understood my value system, thought process, and behavioral tendencies. And with that, Kim offered great and pragmatic insights into how I can do even better.” - Thuan Pham, former CTO of Uber

7 Profit Killers that are Holding You Back

  • ​Some traders see others having success and let FOMO force them into bad decisions
  • ​Others let greed or ego get the best of them
  • ​Sometimes it’s a lack of discipline – even if it’s an isolated moment when you’re otherwise like a mix of a monk and a Navy SEAL
  • ​Often, traders can’t cope with a string of wins or a losing streak and start to self-sabotage
  • ​Sometimes they lack a proven edge that could send profits rolling in with just a little more self-awareness (or a guide to point it out)
In my experience, even the best traders struggle with one or more of these.

But they have almost no idea what the problem is when it’s happening.

And they end up trading based on a combination of ingrained habits and outside issues that may have NOTHING to do with trading.

It’s a tale as old as time. But it happens to everyone.

Take one trader (we’ll call her Linda) I worked with, for example…

She was a successful trader who had years of experience in the markets.

But she came to me after a series of bad trades started shrinking her account.

She recognized she was taking on more risk than usual…

But she couldn’t figure out WHY she kept trading against her plan.

What she didn’t realize was this had nothing to do with trading.

This happened shortly after the lockdowns during 2020.

And while Linda was normally a thrill-seeker who could make most extreme sports athletes blush in her free time…

All those outlets for adventure disappeared in an instant.

And NOW she was seeking that adventure in her trading.

This is the sort of situation I help traders with all the time… and often it takes just a few minutes of digging into the issues to get to the root of the problem.

Thanks to 17 years working with traders of all walks of life — from Wall Street firms to individual traders trading from home — I’ve seen all the biggest landmines that can sabotage your trading.

And I’ve seen how big of a difference it can make once you finally identify them and make a few small changes.

Unfortunately, as much as I love helping traders, I don’t have the time to help everyone like I wish I could.

So here’s what I’ve decided to do…

Welcome to the Trader Hero Journey

Every trader is on their own journey, but that doesn’t mean we have to do it alone.

Most folks I work with start their path doing everything on their own.

They’ll begin with courses, read more books, or they’ll shop around different trading groups.

But eventually, self-aware traders often reach a point in their journey. 

They understand they’ve come as far as they can by doing the heavy lifting themselves.

And they can continue to grind away by themselves OR they can leverage the help of an expert who’s been there before.

That’s where my new project, The Trader Hero Journey, comes in.

What I want to do is to give you the experience of what it would be like if we worked together…

Just as I’ve worked with hundreds of other coaching clients over the years — from institutional traders at firms like Blackstone, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, and Credit Suisse… to professional retail traders making 7 and 8 figures on their own.

I want to show you how the biggest roadblocks REALLY show up for traders.

I want to help you spot those invisible patterns holding you back on your journey.

And I want to work together with you on YOUR roadblocks, to see how much quicker we can help you progress on your own hero’s journey.

However, until just recently…

Working With a Trading Coach Usually Carries a Hefty Investment

If you want the help of an expert coach who can drill down to the heart of your greatest trading challenges…

It would normally cost you a pretty penny to get this sort of individualized help.

To work with me individually, clients typically make a 6-month commitment and a coaching investment of around $36,000. 

And traders regularly pay thousands of dollars per month to work with the expert coaches on my team here at The Wall Street Coach

Granted, based on the feedback we get from our clients, it’s an investment that’s well worth making.

But I want to make that experience available to more traders today…

Just like I did when I hit the streets of Wall Street in 2008 to offer coaching to folks who’d been laid off or otherwise affected by the housing crash.

So I’ve decided to assemble an inner circle to help traders overcome their biggest challenges and reach the next step of their hero’s journey.

We’ll all be on this adventure together.

And you’ll have a tribe of traders around you all working to master themselves, just like you.

Arsenal of Mental Weapons

“Within two sessions, I had an arsenal of mental weapons to help me with both my trading issues and my life outside the markets. After meeting with Kim, I felt confident I could remedy my gremlins and grow as a person and a trader.” - James Freedlender, US Equities Trader

My Highest Profit Month (Double My Previous Best)

“Since I started working with Kim, I’ve had my highest profit month (double my previous best)... From our first meeting, Kim has helped me improve my confidence so I can forge my own unique path. If you need help in your trading journey, career, or personal life, Kim will go above and beyond for you." - Matthew Monaco, Trader

Catalyst for Possibility, Passion and Profit

“Asking the right questions is one of the most important strategies for success. This is one of Kim’s many gifts. She is a master at finding precisely the question to ask to lead to incredible discoveries. A coaching session with Kim is a catalyst for possibility, passion and profit.” - Ellen Rogin, CPA, CFP President Strategic Financial Designs Inc. Author of Great with Money: The Women’s Guide to Prosperity

What You Get in Trader Hero Journey

#1 — Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls

As a member of this close-knit community, you’ll have the chance to attend live coaching calls every week.

In each session, I’ll do a deep dive on an important topic that can help you master your trading psychology.

Then you can work through your biggest challenges together with me live on the call.

We’ll have 2 spots each week for traders to workshop their challenges in our “hot seats.”

When we’ve done calls like these in the past, folks have been shocked at how quickly we can get to the heart of the issue and give meaningful feedback to help turn their trading around.

And even if you don’t participate in the hot seats yourself, you can get the same benefits by applying these gems and psychology principles to your own trading.

Each call is scheduled for an hour each week.

And if you can’t make it to the call live, don’t worry. They’ll be recorded and available to listen back at your own convenience.

#2 — Still Struggling with Discipline? Let the Community Help!

Discipline is an issue that comes up time and time again for traders, even among the very best.

Sometimes it’s hard to stick to your plan when new opportunities pop up or when trades don’t work out as planned.

But you don’t have to do it all alone.

Inside our new community, you’ll also have the chance to partner up with an accountability partner who can hold your feet to the fire.

I’ve benefited greatly from having someone to hold me accountable throughout my own career, so I knew this would be a needed component to add to our new community.

#3 — Learn What Works from Your Fellow Traders in Our Community Channels

We wanted this community to be more than a place to come ask questions once or twice a week.

With our community channels, this will be like the local watering hole where traders can come and discuss issues any time day or night.

Sharing stories about their journeys…

How they overcame their own inner challenges…

And pulling each other forward together 

We already have specific channels set up for each of the biggest roadblocks for traders: FOMO, greed, ego, discipline, coping with wins, coping with losses, money and finding your edge.

Inside, traders can share their most helpful advice or pose questions to the community.

That way you can leverage the expertise of your like-minded traders whenever you need it and continue to grow on your hero’s journey together.

#6 — Special Welcome Bonus: My Trader Hero Journey Toolbox

In addition, you’ll also get a special toolbox full of some of our best resources.

Each item in this toolbox is an important reference tool that will help keep you at your very best when you’re trading.

The Trader Hero Journey Toolbox includes…

  • The Trader Check-In
  • The Pre-Market Checklist
  • The Self-Aware Trader Series e-books
  • ​A special 60-page excerpt from my book, Transforming Wall Street
Each of these tools on their own will give you a significant leg-up in the markets.

Taken together, they’re an essential collection that will give you everything you need to take your trading to the next level.

Best Friend, Soothsayer and Professional Guru

“Personally, I think one of Kim’s greatest talents is her keen ability to be an objective listener. As a coach, Kim is like a best friend, a soothsayer, and a professional guru all rolled in one.” - Christine Janssen, Founder & President, Denken Research & Consulting

Benefited Tremendously

“I have benefited tremendously many times from Kim’s wisdom as I have had to navigate the folks on Wall Street. I am a priest at Trinity and have had to rely on Kim’s wisdom several times when advising this clientele. I highly, and without reservation, recommend her.” - The Rev. Mark Bozutti-Jone, Pastoral Care, Trinity Wall Street

My Work with Kim Helped to Uncover Blindspots

“Kim not only boosted my confidence to continue the path I am on, but my work with her helped to uncover some blind spots. Her gentle guidance has been invaluable to me for my journey to discover my true self. Today, the calmness and serenity I bring to trading — most mornings — is largely due to this genuine, empathic, and intelligent woman.” - Ray D’Argenio, Trader/Poker Player & Co Host Confessions of a Market Maker

So… How Much to Help You Reach the Next Stage in 

Your Trader Hero Journey?

I wanted to make this as affordable as possible.

Since I’ve seen how powerful coaching can be in my own life, I’ve always tried to find ways to help traders so most (if not all) can afford it.

That’s why you’ve see me pop into Instagram Live and Twitter Spaces and why I offered free coaching on Wall Street all those years ago.

So here’s what I decided…

Our new Trader Hero Journey will only cost $295 per month.

That’s a small fraction of what it would normally cost to work with me and my expert coaches one-on-one.

Plus, instead of the 6-month commitment I generally ask for…

There’s no long-term commitment.

So if you join us through this special invitation today and you’re not thrilled with the experience, you can cancel at any time.

And you’ll even be able to keep the bonuses from the Trader Hero Journey Toolbox as my gift to you for giving it a try. 

Sound fair enough?

There have been points in my life where I recognized I’d made it as far as I could on my own. 

And when I found like-minded people to surround myself with and coaches to guide me, it helped me make quantum leaps in my career.

For you, this could be one of those moments if you choose to join us inside Trader Hero Journey.

Plus… Another Fast Action Gift

To make this decision easy for you, I’d like to add one last gift.

When you join me inside our Trader Hero Journey community today, you’ll also receive a special founder’s member discount for a few of our most popular services.

Our unique Trader Positioning Index assessment has helped countless traders uncover their biggest strengths and challenges — often areas that were completely invisible to them before.

With that knowledge, they were able to leverage these areas to create a trading strategy that fits their specific profile.

As a founding member, you’ll receive a 20% discount ($259 off) if you decide to take the assessment for yourself.

And if you’d like to take your coaching to the next level and receive one-on-one coaching, you’ll receive that same founder’s discount.

So if you work with me or one of my expert coaches, you’ll receive a 20% discount, worth well more than your monthly investment in Trader Hero Journey.

To Recap, Here’s Everything You’ll Receive…

  • You’ll get to participate in weekly live coaching calls where I share deep dives on my biggest revelations from working with traders for nearly two decades. You’ll get all my experience boiled down into deep dives on important topics as part of these calls.
  • You’ll get the chance to take part in one of 2 “hot seats” on these live calls. This is where we break down your biggest challenges and peel back the layers of the onion to help you break through plateaus in your trading.
  • ​And don’t worry if you can’t make these calls live. We’ll have call recordings for you afterwards, so you can go back and pick up pearls of insight you can apply to your own trading.
  • ​If you have questions between sessions, you can send me a direct message. I will be there to answer your most burning questions, so you’ll have plenty of chances to receive extra support every week.
  • ​Leverage the knowledge of your fellow traders inside the community channels. We’ve got channels for all the biggest challenges every trader faces, but you can also use it to connect and build relationships with traders just like you.
  • ​Need more accountability? Find an accountability partner from our community of talented, like-minded traders.
  • ​Add new tools to master your psychology with our Trader Hero Journey Toolbox, including our best resources: the Trader Check-In, the Pre-Market Checklist, our Self-Aware Trader Series e-books, and a 60-page excerpt of my book, Transforming Wall Street.
  • ​And don’t forget our fast-action bonus gift: a complimentary 20% founder’s member discount for our Trader Positioning Index.

All for just $295/month. 

There’s no long-term commitment. Cancel anytime and you’ll never be charged again.


Join Trader Hero Journey LITE

If you just want access to the community channels, where you can connect with fellow traders and leverage their collective knowledge, we have something for you too.

Now, you can join Trader Hero Journey LITE.

You won’t have access to the live coaching calls or office hours like FULL members.

But this is a great opportunity to connect with other traders and hear how they’re overcoming their biggest challenges.

Plus, we’ll even throw in the Trader Hero Journey Toolbox as a bonus for joining us.

You can feel free to upgrade at any point.

But to get started, it’s only $45/month.

Mind-blowing Sessions

“Kim was able to put words to a lot of the common frustrations, issues, and emotions that traders deal with. My colleague and I had some mind-blowing sessions with Kim as well as some major breakthroughs.” - Tim Bohen, Lead Trainer, Stocks to Trade & SteadyTrade Podcast Host

Tremendous Desire to Make a Difference

“Kim is a person of enormous energy, creativity, passion, drive, and generosity. Her coaching is motivated by a tremendous desire to make a difference, to contribute, and to help others.” - Alan Webber, Co-Founding Editor, Fast Company Magazine, Former Editorial Director, Harvard Business Review and Author of Rules of Thumb

Unlock Your Internal Strengths

“Having had the pleasure of working with Kim Ann Curtin, I can tell you she is an excellent coach and guide. She can unlock your internal strengths. She can better you, just as she has already done for so many.” - Peter Leeds, The Penny Stock Professional, Modern Strategies, Inc. Line 6 Holdings
Now, it’s time to make a decision.

Where you go from here on your hero’s journey is entirely up to you.

You can close this page and go on doing what you’ve been doing.

Forget about everything we discussed here.

Continue reading books, buying courses, or trying new systems.

And continue working through any challenges that come up on your own.

OR you can accept our invitation.

You can join us inside Trader Hero Journey and let us help you reach the next step in your trading journey.

But you must decide quickly.

If you’re reading this, that means the invitation is still open to you.

My team and I have worked tirelessly to bring all the benefits of working together one-on-one for a fraction of the price.

I hope you’ll join me today.


Kim Ann Curtin

We are working on some exciting new changes


Here’s what you’ll get as a FULL member of Trader Hero Journey:
  • Weekly live coaching calls with Kim. Deep dives on important topics and 2 live hot seats.

  • ​Direct access to me to answer any other questions.

  • ​Community channels to leverage the knowledge of your fellow traders.

  • ​Find an accountability partner with another like-minded trader in the community.

  • ​Add our best resources with the Trader Hero Journey Toolbox.

  • Fast Action Gift: 20% founder’s member discount for the Trader Positioning Index.


Here’s what you’ll get as a Trader Hero Journey LITE member:
  • Community channels to leverage the knowledge of your fellow traders.
  • Find an accountability partner with another like-minded trader in the community.
  • Add our best resources with the Trader Hero Journey Toolbox.