Take advantage of the biggest scientific breakthrough affecting your trading profits today…

“Biohacked” Trading Is Here

One part-time trader DOUBLED his returns in a matter of days doing this… and you will NEVER guess what it is…

Dear friend,

What I’m about to share with you is so cutting edge that only a few traders have discovered it.

From the evidence I’ve seen, it has a HUGE impact on trading profits.

It has nothing to do with a trading system.

And I’m not here to sell you on some new indicator, algo, or piece of software.

It doesn’t matter what strategy you use.

Even if you’ve developed your own system… Or spent years on a trading desk.

And it doesn’t matter what markets you trade, be it forex, precious metals, penny stocks, crypto, ETFs, options… whatever!

What I’m about to show you is a simple way to…

Potentially DOUBLE your profits and live a happier life.

Thanks to recent developments there’s a way to leverage a unique combination of biology and psychology to become an Optimized Trader.

Let me explain…

I’m Kim Ann Curtin, founder of The Wall Street Coach.

I’ve spent 28 years on Wall Street and authored the book Transforming Wall Street, A Conscious Path for a New Future.

I started my second career coaching senior-level executives of Fortune 500 companies before becoming a sought after trading performance coach in 2008.

Over the past 18 years, I’ve helped hundreds of desk traders, as well as executive teams.

I’ve coached traders from Anchorage Capital, Bank of America, Blackstone, King Street Capital, Fortress, and Morgan Stanley.

I’ve worked with C-suite execs from FINRA, GIC, L’Oreal, Merck, NBC and Social Leverage to name a few.

In recent years I’ve worked with some of the most successful retail day traders in the world…

Traders like Brian Lee, Nate Michaud, Matt Monaco and Jack Kellogg.

And I’ve teamed up with trading educators like Tim Bohen of StocksToTrade, Ricky Analog of TrueTrader, Andrew Aziz of BearBull Traders, Joseph Gasperoni of JTrader, and Investors Underground.

Traders put their trust in me because, as one client puts it…

“Trading setups, rules and processes are absolutely critical to success [but] these are useless if one has hidden self-limiting beliefs or self-sabotaging traits.”

And through it all I’ve seen one thing consistently…

One thing that was nearly impossible to address because…

Standard healthcare hadn’t caught up with science.

Traders like you — yes, even my clients — sometimes get caught up, swept away, overwhelmed by a cascade of biological and neurological activity…

… turning a promising win into a massive loss.

I first learned how it works 12 years ago after reading a fascinating book.

The author, Dr. John Coates, traded derivatives for Goldman Sachs and ran a trading desk for Deutsche Bank for 12 years.

He was on Wall Street during the massive Dotcom Bubble and witnessed the carnage when the market crashed.

The way traders behaved during the bubble and crash was so weird that he left Wall Street and returned to England’s venerated University of Cambridge to get a PhD in neuroscience.

What Dr. Coates found when he focused on the neuroscience of trading was nothing less than astonishing. His study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, confirmed…

Your morning testosterone level predicts your day’s profitability.

If that sounds far-fetched, I assure you it is not. Multiple studies show that testosterone and cortisol levels can have a big impact on profit and loss.

Look at this Portfolio Performance chart a part-time trader shared with me:

See the arrow pointing to the big jump in returns? He didn’t change his position size or start trading something exotic. And he didn’t use more leverage. In fact, he told me the only thing he did was start hormone optimization.

“I didn’t fully understand the value of having Optimized hormones until I saw my portfolio returns jump from 5% to 30%. The delicate balance of hormones in the body has a massive impact on my ability to make calm, rational decisions in response to fluctuations in the market. What started with a comprehensive blood test has led to better performance in trading, in the gym, and the bedroom. Kim is one of the rare coaches out there that understands the importance of hormone health when it comes to trading effectively and sustainably.” — Trader

After seeing that chart, I have one question for you…

How much are “Animal Spirits” costing your trading account?

British economist John Maynard Keynes used the phrase “Animal Spirits” to describe wild behaviour that leads to market bubbles and crashes.

Little did he know that his “Animal Spirits” were a near-perfect description of the way out-of-balance hormones affect traders.

Thanks to the work of Dr. Coates and his colleagues, we now know more.

For example…

  • Winning leads to the “Winner Effect” where your body releases even more testosterone. When testosterone levels get too high you become ‘irrationally optimistic’ and throw risk management out the door. This leads to too much risk. If that happens, you might as well flush all that hard-earned profit down the toilet!

  • Uncertainty leads to high cortisol levels. Uncertainty in the markets. Uncertainty in a trade. Uncertainty in how the day plays out. Prolonged uncertainty leads to chronically elevated cortisol levels. Which turns into ‘irrational pessimism’ and too little risk!

  • WARNING: Every single person is different… What constitutes too high, or too low, hormone levels is different for you compared to anyone else!

Let’s unpack that…

Whether your hormone levels are too high or too low depends on your body (not some chart) and everything going on inside!

Whereas you might benefit from hormone therapy, it might be the wrong thing for you.

You might only need a few supplements to improve cognitive performance.

Or you might need one small change in lifestyle, diet, or sleep patterns to make a big difference.

And no matter what, it all works together… hormones, nervous system, organs…

So just knowing your hormone levels without other biomarkers is almost useless.

The gist of it is…

If you want to achieve optimum performance, two things need to happen…

First, your health — your biology — needs to be in order.

Second, your trading mindset — the mental side of the equation — needs to be on point.

And it is a fine balancing act to get it right, which explains why you continue to struggle, even after you’ve put in the hours learning to trade, to recognize patterns, and to create detailed trade plans.

It’s why in the heat of the moment even your best-laid risk management plans can go straight out the window.

The good news is that with balanced hormone levels it can all come together. Fast.

Which is why I’m proud to announce The Wall Street Coach has teamed up with Marek Health to offer a unique opportunity for a limited time only.

Optimized Trader Bundle

Lab Diagnostic and Personal Coaching

For the past 12 years — since first reading Dr. Coats’s book — my dream has been to help traders like you improve their trading by having them focus on their hormones.

When I first read The Hour Between Dog and Wolf in 2012, I wanted SO badly for every one of my clients to gain the insight I am finally able to offer today.

The reality is, it wasn’t so simple back then. Imagine 12 years ago, going into a lab and saying “Hey, I’m a day trader and I want labs done so I can optimize my performance.”

You’d have been laughed out of the office.

It simply wasn’t normal unless you were seriously ill, a professional athlete, or extremely wealthy.

Fast forward to today and things have changed.

There has been a huge shift in our understanding of the role hormones play in mental health and cognitive function.

For example…

  • One study involving 400 men showed that Low-T contributes to brain fog, anxiety, and depression. It’s like your brain’s ‘processor’ slows down or can’t take in all the information. Not good for trading!

  • Another study showed that chronically elevated cortisol damages your brain’s memory center. Considering how much trading depends on memory, this is scary!

  • A third study found that an underactive thyroid “shrinks” the part of your brain responsible for learning by up to 12% compared to a control group!

The good news is that with knowledge comes power.

Healthcare has caught up and today you can easily be proactive, get the data you need from diagnostic Lab Panels, and work with a Health Coach to fine-tune for better performance…

Which is why I’m so glad that I was introduced to Marek Health.

As soon as we touched base I knew that Marek Health was exactly what I’d been looking for.

Still I vetted them…

Even though everything I’ve learned told me that my clients could benefit from diagnostic lab work, bespoke recommendations, and ongoing engagement with a health coach…

I needed to be sure.

Think about it…

If you learned that you were out of balance…

And started taking something to bring you back to balance…

Doesn’t it make sense that once you achieve balance that you no longer need to take it?

(This is not medical advice or even about treating disease. Rather, it is about leveraging your health for optimal performance. Seek medical advice if you suspect you are ill.)


What do you do when it is time to taper off something so you leverage optimization without going too far?

My conversations with the team at Marek Health made it clear that they are focused on one thing: Health optimization.

It is also clear that the incredible benefits they provide perfectly complement what I offer trading clients.

Which is why I’m thrilled to offer the one-of-a-kind Optimized Trader Bundle.

Here’s how it works:

First, you’ll visit a designated lab near you where they will take blood samples. Then, the lab technicians will do your lab work and create a Lab Panel.

Before you ask…

This is NOT “just another bunch of blood tests”…

The Marek Lab Panel leverages high-accuracy assays and precise biomarkers to deliver clear and reliable information about your…

  • Hormonal function — essential for sex function, sleep, and brain power.

  • Metabolic health — crucial for energy levels, better sleep, and optimizing your entire body like a well-maintained car.

  • Lipids — often maligned but super important. Lipids are found in every cell of your body!

  • And Organ health — gain insight into how your body’s ‘master systems’ are working.

When you receive your Lab Panel it will show a total of 84 different biomarkers.

If you wonder what biomarkers have to do with trading (specifically taking it to the next level), it is crucial to understand that…

Your Brain’s ‘Drug Enforcement Agency’ Can Either Boost or KILL Your Trading Career!

And I’d guess that 99% of traders have no idea this is even a thing.

Deep inside your brain is a structure called the hypothalamus.

It regulates bodily processes like blood pressure, sex drive, and emotional response.

It also dials steroid production up or down depending on the situation.

If it didn’t, steroids would cause serious problems with your mind and body.

In fact, anabolic steroids are Schedule III substances under the Controlled Substances Act.

So your hypothalamus acts as your brain’s ‘Drug Enforcement Agency.’

But according to the studies done by Dr. Coates and his colleagues, testosterone (an anabolic steroid) can have a profound effect on profit and loss.

Which is why it’s so important to get your baseline numbers, to understand what’s going on, and to discover how to optimize your biology for better performance..

If you are serious about your trading career and your health, the Optimized Trader Bundle is a step in the right direction. (Regardless of how long you’ve been trading or how profitable you are.)

Finally, you can…

  • Gain insight into the mental side of trading combined with a deep understanding of biological performance capability. Imagine firing on all cylinders starting in only a few weeks’ time…

  • Leverage Optimized health to trade better. The Optimized Trader Bundle combines diagnostic labs, a 45-minute lab review call with a Marek Health Coach, and a one-hour performance coaching session with me, so you can strive for peak performance and move further along your path to freedom. You will also have the option for ongoing health coaching with a Marek Health Coach and ongoing Personal Coaching with me.

  • Finally, have at your fingertips ALL the information you need to understand your hormonal function, metabolic health, lipids, organ health, and more!

It could be that this is…

Your “Red Alert” moment.


Here’s what author and former hedge-fund manager James Altucher once said about trading on his podcast…

“You are in ‘fight or flight’ the entire time and you can’t get up

out of your chair. You’re literally stuck in your chair.”

Think about it…

One hormone raging into a rally and another raging into a crash.

If you only deal with elevated levels for a short time, that might not seem like a big deal.

But like Altucher said, at any given moment you are stuck. Or you feel that way.

Do you want trade forever buffeted by your Animal Spirits — your hormones — hoping beyond hope that eventually you’ll “get this trading thing” in time to walk away with your health?

The Optimized Trader Bundle helps traders leverage Optimized health to achieve better performance in the areas that matter to you most…

Trading. Overall health. The gym. Even the bedroom…

One question that comes up frequently when I start working with a new client is…

“How long until I see results?”

Of course, this refers to the coaching side of things. I’ll get back to that in a moment.

As for the biology side of things…

Your Lab Panel, which will give clear insight into how your body is functioning, including biomarkers like:

  • Sex hormones

  • Thyroid function

  • Lipids

  • Blood count

  • Metabolic markers

  • Insulin sensitivity

  • Liver function

  • Vitamin deficiencies

  • Kidney function

  • Inflammatory markers

  • And more…

84 biomarkers in total!

Ready for you in a matter of days…

When you purchase the Optimized Trader Bundle today, you’ll get a code to fill out a secure online Health History Questionnaire.

Once you’ve completed the questionnaire, you will receive your lab requisition form via email within 24 hours.

Then you’ll find your nearest diagnostic center and schedule an appointment to get your blood drawn.

Within 7-14 days after you visit the diagnostic center, Marek Health will send you a copy of your results along with a link to schedule your review with a Marek Health Coach.

Your coach will take you point by point through your lab results, let you know where you are good, where there may be deficiencies, and give recommendations to optimise your health and performance.

But it doesn’t stop there…

You will get the opportunity — fully optional, of course — to meet with a Marek Doctor &/or meet with your Health Coach on a monthly basis to check in and see how you are doing.

(Note: If you choose this option, you will need to get further Lab Panels done at specific intervals. This assures there is zero guesswork involved, only data driven recommendations — crucial in today’s world of ‘set-and-forget’ medicine.)

But that’s not all…

There’s one more element to the Optimized Trader Bundle…

A one-hour Personal Coaching call with me.

Let’s unpack that…

My ongoing fee to coach traders is $3,000 per month. That includes three sessions each month along with recap write-ups, recommendations, urgent access to me in between sessions, and follow up.

But before I tell you the special pricing…

I normally don’t schedule one-off sessions. And most clients hire me for months at a time so this is a rare opportunity.

That said, one hour will help you focus on the right mindset to increase the leverage from your Lab Panel and review.

Back to the question…

How long until you see results from our coaching relationship?

For context, here’s what multi-million dollar trader Matt Monaco has to say…

You’ll see changes in your trading, and your life after the first session.

“If you need help in your trading journey, career, or personal life, Kim will go above and beyond for you. Coaching is a two-way street, and much will be asked of you, but if you take it on, you’ll see changes in your trading, and your life after the first session." — Matt Monaco, Trader, Editor of “To the Moon Report” and sometimes moderator for the Tim Sykes Trading Challenge

I can’t guarantee a time-frame on results when we work together. But I do guarantee that if you are willing to put in the effort, and withstand some hard truths, our work together will yield huge dividends for your health, mental well-being, and trading.

Here’s what other traders have to say…

My win rate improved from 40% to 60%

“Kim's work has changed both my trading and personal life. Through our work together I was able to find out more about myself than I ever really have on my own. In trading, as we all know the better you know yourself the better you are able to execute/perform. My win rate improved from 40% to 60% as I began to trade less and make more by focusing on the best opportunities and acknowledging FOMO when it reared its ugly head. All of the trading work and personal work are very intertwined, and my personal life also got better as I was more observant of how I was interpreting/responding to situations and events that occurred in my life.” — Andres Armienta, Trader

My trading performance increased to a 90% win rate over the last month and a half.

“Kim helped me uncover and address deep-rooted issues I had been carrying since my teenage years—issues I never realized were affecting my trading and overall performance. Through her guidance, I began to heal, and my confidence grew, not just in trading but in my role as a leader at work.

The results speak for themselves. Since working with Kim, my trading performance increased to a 90% win rate over the last month and a half. For the first time, I feel like I’ve reached the light at the end of the tunnel and I’m excited to see what the coming months and years will bring.” — @BellaBullBear, Trader

Helped countless TrueTrader members find the courage and confidence to overcome their mental baggage.

“Kim’s exceptional coaching and wisdom helped countless TrueTrader members find the courage and confidence to overcome their mental baggage and become the best versions of themselves. Working with Kim has been one of the most rewarding endeavours we’ve offered our membership.” — Benito Segovia, CTO and Co-founder of TrueTrader.net

I have been able to grow my account by over 135%.

"After reaching out to Kim Ann Curtin and her team I began to invest in myself. I started with the Trader EQ sessions and then took the Trader Positioning Index evaluation which showed exactly where my issues were stemming from. Through continued investment in myself, I was able to rebuild my confidence and in just 6 months of this year, I have been able to grow my account by over 135%. Far exceeding my prior losses, gains, and expectations. Kim and her team are true professionals and the benefits that come from working with them go far beyond earnings and careers. If you let it, it can truly change your course in life." — Tom Burnett, Trader

To reiterate, becoming an Optimized Trader is a three step process. The first step is to get your blood drawn. Next you’ll meet with a Health Coach. That part of the Optimized Trader Bundle can be done inside of a month (depending on how busy your local diagnostic center is) giving you access to the data you need to optimise your biology.

The third step is Personal Coaching.

As I said, most traders hire me for months at a time and I highly recommend multiple sessions. However, there is a way to maximize the one-hour personal coaching session you get when you buy the Optimized Trader Bundle today.

With that in mind and…

To sweeten the deal…

When you buy today, not only will you get the one-hour coaching session, you have the option at checkout to get instant access to my highly acclaimed Trading EQ Course for less than half its regular price.

Here are just a few reasons why the Trading EQ Course is the perfect compliment to the Optimized Trader Bundle. Inside you’ll discover…

  • How to smash through the hidden barriers behind your losing trades to help secure more consistent, profitable winners.

  • How to schedule your trades to tap into your personalized, high-performance trading window. (This goes hand in hand with the biohacking aspect of becoming an Optimized Trader.)

  • How to adjust your mindset to avoid “Irrational Exuberance” and “Irrational Pessimism.” Imagine attacking these boom and bust makers from both a physiological angle with the Optimized Trader Bundle and the psychological angle with the Trading EQ Course, putting you in the upper echelon of self-aware traders.

The 2.5 hours you invest going through the Trading EQ Course will lay a deep foundation for your Personal Coaching session with me, helping you to make even more trading progress faster.

Of course, it all starts when you join the new breed of traders biohacking their way to trading success which means getting your diagnostic labs done first.

Which brings up the question…

You might wonder why this lab diagnostic?

A fair question. Before I answer…

FAIR WARNING: Beware of ‘boiler room’ companies focused only on profit at the expense of your health!

There was a recent Wall Street Journal article about testosterone clinics that “hard sell” steroids to such a degree that men are ending up infertile.

All for a cut or beefed-up look. Or better sex…

That is NOT what the Optimized Trader Bundle is about.

It is critical that you understand…

The Marek Health Difference

Marek Health isn’t just some telehealth company you’d go to for an ongoing prescription, it is a premiere coaching and concierge medicine service.

The team at Marek Health are all in for your health … premium service, premium care, personalized coaching, nutritional support, and more.

And the team there focuses on what’s right for YOU.

Your lab results might show that testosterone therapy is the right option for you.

But they could just as well show that your testosterone levels are normal or even high.

There won’t be any hard sell to get you taking something you don’t need.

In fact, when I spoke with one team member at Marek Health, he told me that sometimes bodybuilders come to them who are taking “way too much testosterone” to be healthy.

When that happens they try to help.

But if a bodybuilder (or anyone) is determined to carry on going overboard, they get turned away.

This is about health. Your health.


It’s about leveraging your health to optimize performance.

You could go to a different lab, get testosterone and be on your way. There’s no denying it.

Let’s unpack why that might actually be…

The worst thing you could do!

First, not everyone needs to take testosterone. For anyone, too much can be dangerous. But for traders? Too much testosterone can be disastrous.

Remember Dr. Coates and his studies?

One study talked about a biological phenomenon called The Winner Effect.

It works like this…

When an animal fights with another of its kind, and wins, it gets a testosterone boost.

And the next time it fights, that boost makes it more likely to win.

Guess what happens next?

If you guessed “another T boost” you’d be right.

Every time the animal wins, its testosterone level spikes.

What about the animal that loses the fight?

THAT animal’s testosterone drops!

For the winner…

It turns into a cycle of increased testosterone.

What do you think finally causes the ‘alpha’ animal to lose?

It’s not growing old. Or some young buck with even more testosterone coming up against it.


When the alpha animal gets juiced on T, it starts behaving in a very risky manner.

It prances, beats its chest, or growls at challengers. Whatever the behavior of that species is. And it takes on all comers, anywhere, anytime.

Stupid. Aggressive. Over-confident. And there’s only one possible outcome…

Too much testosterone and… too much risk!

Dr. Coates was so fascinated by this that he wanted to see if the Winner Effect applied to young male traders….

If they got on a winning streak, would their risk management go down the drain? Would they set themselves up for massive losses?

In a nutshell, yes.

Dr. Coates found that traders, just like other animals, were more likely to win on the trade following a win. And it correlated with a significant rise in testosterone levels.

But he also found that every win caused the traders to take more risk, to become more confident, and, ultimately, to take a bigger loss because their risk management went down the drain.

That is why it is SO important to not only know your preferred way to trade, but also to understand both the psychological and hormonal effect on your trading when you win or lose.

If you go to a shady lab for testosterone therapy, you could be setting yourself up for the biggest blow up of your career. Maybe even the one that decimates your trading account.

You know that risk is an essential part of trading.

But taking unnecessary risk can end your trading career in an instant.

It only takes one bad trade to undo years of work.

And I’ve seen it happen to many traders over the years.

The Optimized Trader Bundle is a new way to achieve the delicate balance necessary to make calm, rational decisions when you trade.

There’s nothing like it available on the market.

It is so ground-breaking that I’m doing everything I can (along with Marek Health) to keep the price low. For now.

Here’s what will happen when you order today…

After you order, you’ll get an email from me with a passcode and a link to the page shown in the picture below. When you enter the passcode, you’ll be taken to your secure online Health History Questionnaire.

Once you complete your Health History, you will get a lab requisition form by email within 24 hours.

You will also receive guidance on finding your nearest diagnostic center so you can schedule an appointment to get your blood drawn.

Separately, you’ll receive an email from me to schedule your coaching session:

It’s that easy!

Let’s Go!

Now that you know how much your hormones and other biomarkers affect not only your trading, but everything from energy and sleep, to exercise and your sex life…

… you have a choice to make.

You know diagnostic Lab Panels can help establish a benchmark.

And you know that working with a Health Coach who understands biomarkers can help you find the right leverage to optimize performance.

You also know why…

Marek Health is the ONLY Health Diagnostic provider

I personally recommend!

(And why you MUST steer clear of potential ‘boiler-room’ labs at all cost.)

You also know how working with me has helped hundreds of today’s most profitable traders.

And how combining data-driven knowledge, proper lab work, and my years of experience coaching traders can help you take your trading career to the next level…

Now it’s time to decide whether you want to continue doing things the way you’ve always done…

… knowing the risks involved…

… knowing one burst of hormones, or one stray thought could wipe away months (or years) of progress!


Step into a new world of optimized performance…

I want to help you become one of a new breed of Optimized Traders that takes advantage of the powerful combination of personalized, data-driven health optimization and personal coaching.

Right now we’re offering the Optimized Trader Bundle to a small number of traders only. Because it is brand-new, we’ve decided to slash the price.

For a limited time, you can benefit from the data you’ll review with your Health Coach, and meet with me for an hour of Personal Coaching…

… without paying the premium fees normally tied to this level of service.

I can confidently say that, with the Optimized Trader Bundle you’ll have…

Everything You Need to

Get Started as an Optimized Trader

As part of my Personal Coaching service, it would cost $590 for the lab work alone, plus another $1,000 for an hour of coaching. (That is, if you could hire me for an hour of coaching, which you could not. In reality, you’d have to hire me to work with you for several months.)

The regular price of $1590 is a bargain — especially since you can likely cover the full cost after a few solid trades.

But like I said, you won’t pay the full $1590.

Before I tell you your special pricing…

I’ve added some valuable bonuses to help you get the most out of the Optimized Trader Bundle. These resources will help you get started right away — and prepare you for our coaching session.

These tools have been developed over years of working with traders to build confidence, focus on better opportunities, and transform their trading careers…

Special Bonus #1:

EGO and Inner Gremlins (Book 1 of 4: The Self-Aware Trader series)

Every trader deals with shame, judgement, and FOMO differently but one thing is consistent: People don’t make the most rational decisions under emotional duress. Add money to the mix and it only compounds the effect. If you let ego and “inner gremlins” rule it can only lead to poor decision-making, losses, and a cycle of self-blame.

Inside EGO and Inner Gremlins

  • The “Busload of Rowdy Children” factor — and the question you MUST ask after every loss.

  • What NEVER to do right before a trade. (p.12)

  • Why understanding your emotions isn’t enough to remove roadblocks and how to avoid FOMO when you have big money on the line.

Special Bonus #2:

Deconstructing Greed and Fear of Failure (Book 2: The Self-Aware Trader series)

Fear of failure and greed can make people do things that they know they should not. In trading, it leads to poor decision making, foolish risks, and the erosion of both your trading account and mental capital. But what if fear of failure and greed aren’t actually the problems?

Inside Deconstructing Greed and Fear of Failure

  • The 9-letter word that can help anyone overcome greed and FOMO

  • Why you could win and win and STILL not be satisfied. (Hint: It’s the same reason lifeguards approach in twos.)

  • The most dangerous word in the English language and how it puts you at a disadvantage. Erase it from your trading vocabulary now! (p. 24)

Special Bonus #3:

The High-performance Trader Kit

The High-performance Trader Kit Includes three of my most popular resources for traders…

  • Trader Check-In This monthly check-in will help you to identify exactly where you are emotionally before you jump into the market, so you continuously move toward the trading outcome you seek.

  • Premarket Checklist Designed for you to complete before you start trading each day. Quantify your emotional and psychological state In less than 90 seconds. At the end of the day, review your answers to discover how your trading performance correlates.

  • Trading Journal Downloadable journal complete with prompts to identify why you took a trade and if you were lured into traps or stuck to your plan.

That’s Two Books from the Self-Aware Trader series plus the High Performance Trader Kit FREE when you take this opportunity today.

As a reminder, here’s what you’re getting today…

  • Marek Health Diagnostic Lab Panels with clear and precise data on 84 important biomarkers.

  • A 45-minute call with a Marek Health Coach who will take you point by point through your lab results and make personal health recommendations.

  • A one-hour Personal Coaching session where we’ll focus on how to get the most out of your new understanding of the biology of trading.

  • PLUS: Three Special Bonuses:

    • Bonus #1: EGO and Inner Gremlins

    • Bonus #2: Deconstructing Greed and Fear of Failure

    • Bonus #3: The High-performance Trader Kit

As a reminder, here’s what you’re getting today…

Your Special Pricing

As I said, you won’t pay the full $1590 when you buy the Optimized Trader Bundle today…

You won’t even pay $1000 — my regular price for one hour of coaching…

Because every trader should have the opportunity to understand how biology affects their trading…

… and know exactly what to do to achieve the delicate balance that can give you an edge.

So today, through this special offer in partnership with Marek Health, you can get the Optimized Trader Bundle, plus three special bonuses…

For just $995

No joke.

Let’s break it down…

To your future as an Optimized Trader,

Kim Ann Curtin

P.S. Remember…

At checkout today you will also have the opportunity to get instant access to the Trading EQ Course for less than half the regular price.

It is totally optional and when you go through the course it will help you leverage your time with me so you can optimize even faster.

That said, I want to give you one more reason to become an Optimized Trader today, regardless of whether you take up the one-time offer for the Trading EQ Course.

So in addition to everything above you’ll get…

Special Bonus #4:

A PDF copy of my book Transforming Wall Street, A Conscious Path for a New Future.

Used hardback copies of Transforming Wall Street, A Conscious Path for a New Future sell on Amazon for upwards of $91 but you can have a PDF copy today as a thank you for choosing the Optimized Trader path.

Here are a few of the many praises for the book:

“In her new book, Kim Ann Curtin delivers brilliant answers to the capitalist bashers and wolves of Wall Street alike.” —Oswald Grubel, former group CEO, UBS AG

“Forcibly inspiring!” —Cynthia D. Dibartolo, ESQ., Chief Executive Officer, Tigress Financial Partners LLC

“Through her interviews, Curtin defines what true capitalism can be and should be.” —John A. Allison, President and CEO of the Cato Institute, Retired Chairman and CEO, BB&T

“In Transforming Wall Street, Kim Ann Curtin strips away layers of justifications and misconceptions to provide us with the true essence of capitalism and how it can be consciously used to maximize human potential.” —Amy Domini, founder of Domini Social Investments and author of Socially Responsible Investing: Making a Difference and Making Money

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